With its comfortable sofas, Stoa's spacious lobby is a great meeting place. Everyone is welcome to Stoa to relax, study, meet friends, and use our diverse facilities. Our doormen are there to assist you at the info desk. They can advise you on issues related to Stoa.
Cloakroom services
When you come to see a performance at Stoa, you can leave your coat in the supervised cloakroom free of charge. At other times, you can leave your coat in the cloakroom at your own risk.
Toilet facilities
Toilet facilities in the Stoa lobby are free of charge. If the toilet door is locked, you can ask the doormen to open it. The combined disabled toilet and child-care room is next to the Adult Education Centre door.
Lost property
Did you leave something at Stoa? Please contact the doormen.
Free Wi-Fi
Stoa has free Wi-Fi, the Stadinetti.