Stoa has a diverse art education programme for children and young people of all ages. Cooperation with day-care centres and schools forms a significant part of the Stoa art education programme. We also organise art-oriented courses for children and young people during school holidays. Parents staying at home with young children can also find exciting activities in our programme for children aged 0–6.
Adults can participate in open workshops and art projects such as the workshops of Stoa Gallery exhibitions, preparation of collaborative art works and urban farming. You can learn more about the upcoming workshops and art projects on Facebook.
With regard to our programme aimed at schools, we are in direct contact with the cultural coordinators (lower grades) and cultural contact teachers (upper grades, upper secondary schools and vocational institutions). They pass on the information in their own schools. We keep in touch with the day-care centres in the eastern and south-eastern districts via email. If your day-care centre is not receiving our messages, please give us your contact details.
Cultural Producer Hanna Westerholm is responsible for the art education and contacts with schools, Hanna Westerholm or + 358 (0)9 310 88404.
We welcome any wishes and ideas regarding the cooperation!
Circus for the brave!
Stoa’s circus courses for seniors

Chair circus course for seniors
COURSE 1 wed 25.8., 1.9. and 8.9.
COURSE 2 wed 1.12., 8.12. and 15.12.
at 11:30-12:15
At the chair circus course, the participants get to, for example, practise their balance and mobility using circus equipment. All exercises are done while sitting on a large exercise ball or a chair. This course is also suitable for people with problems with their legs or back, for example.
Circus skills are excellent to increase longevity and boost the quality of life by addressing needs specific to aging including balance and flexibility, memory and processing, pain management, and social connection. It is not necessary for any condition or shape just the aim for fun and learning new skills, light to moderate stretching and range of motion activities to improve and maintain bi-manual coordination, balance, and postural control.
Instructor: Jordy Valderrama
Place: Stoa, musiikkisali
Duration: 3x 45 min
Max 8 participants
Mandatory advance registrations starting from 11.8.:
Standing circus course for seniors
On tuesdays 5.10.-23.11. (8x) at 15:0-16:00
At the standing circus course, the participants get to, for example, practise their balance and mobility using circus equipment.
Circus skills are excellent to increase longevity and boost the quality of life by addressing needs specific to aging including balance and flexibility, memory and processing, pain management, and social connection. It is not necessary for any condition or shape just the aim for fun and learning new skills, light to moderate stretching and range of motion activities to improve and maintain bi-manual coordination, balance, and postural control.
Mandatory advance registrations starting from 18.8.:
Instructor: Enrique Salas
Place: Stoa, musiikkisali
Duration: 8 x 45 min
Max 10 participants